Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Evaluating Your GAME Plan Progress

My first goal that I would like to pursue is "developing technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress" (ISTE, 2008). I believe that the progress that I have achieved towards my goal of providing my students the opportunity to voice their opinion on areas or activities that they would like to address in the computer classroom is moving in the right direction. A comment made by a colleague has caused me to reconsider a portion of my goal resulting in my increasing the limitations to student choices. When I publish my list of the content material for the fourth and fifth grade students, I will organize the list by core subject areas. When the students select content areas that they would like to explore, they will only be permitted to select two areas that they would like to explore from each core subject area. From the students responses, I will determine which content areas the students are most interested n investigating and then create lesson plans. The additional goal of establishing a course management system is not progressing as anticipated because of the time required to learn the functions and capabilities of Moodle. The goal of establishing a classroom Moodle page is expected during the Thanksgiving break.

Another goal that I am attempting to accomplish is "model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information resources to support research and learning" (ISTE, 2008). The goal is to implement 21st century technologies into my computer classroom but first I must acquire a change in school policy to initiate this goal. I approached this goal by looking for activities for the students that incorporate 21st century skills to include into my proposal and statistics to reinforce the need for the school policy change. I have experienced difficulty locating statistical information to present to the administration that supports my goal. Upon acquisition of the needed statistical information, I must set up a meeting with the administration.

ISTE (2008). The National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers.


  1. Kelly,

    I understand that sometimes we need to adjust our GAME plan to make it more meaningful and effective for both the teacher and students. In your GAME plan, you wanted to have your students have more voice in the areas and activities students wanted in computer lab. Now that you are limiting their choices, I am curious to know how your students responded to this change. Are they able to understand that sometimes we need to make adjustments to our plans in order to make the school year more successful for everyone involved?

  2. Cute Boys! You are a very blessed mother! I sometimes have difficulty giving students the reins and the responsibility for their own learning, but I think the computer lab is a perfect place for this to happen. There is so much available to the students. I bet you feel like a pioneer having to rally the support of your administrators for access to digital tools but your students will thank you for your hard work...Good Luck!

  3. Kelley,

    After reading your dillema about not finding enough statistical information to take to your administration, I tried to find some sites and blogs that you might find useful. I found two blogs (will look for more) of people who are leaders in education and technology. I have attended a conference where David Warlick has spoken. On these two blogs there are other links to more sites that might be of help.

    These two blogs are:

    Hope these help.

  4. Hi Kelley!

    I face the same problems in my district.

    Thank you, Caroline, for sharing these websites. I have the problem of the powerful filter blocking so much in our district, too. I visited, and found it to be very resourceful with using new programs and hardware in the classroom.

    I especially like classroom2.0 - I joined it and plan on following it to get ideas to present to our system, too. Our students would greatly benefit through educational collaboration, if they were only allowed to do so.
