Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

The GAME plan has proven to be a beneficial tool for myself and promises to be a major benefit for my computer students. The steps of the GAME plan provides you the opportunity to reflect on the progress being made towards the goal that has been set and permits changes when needed. Incorporation of the GAME plan within various projects provides a valuable tool for students because it will keep them on task and assist with the necessary steps in achieving the goal that they have set.

When reviewing the NETS-S, I recognized that my computer students perform many of these standards almost on a daily basis but may not be proficient in accomplishing the standards. By implementing the GAME plan, I will be able to create lessons that provide the students the opportunity to obtain these skills. When the students are assigned a computer project, they can develop their own GAME plan to assist them in completing their computer assignment.

1 comment:

  1. Kelley,
    Do you think that it is easier for your students to achieve the NETS-S because they are on the computers daily?
