Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Revising the GAME Plan

The GAME plan process has been beneficial in my classroom because the plan directs one to set a goal, monitor, and evaluate the plan throughout the process. This methid is helpful for my needs because it causes me to reflect on my lessons and raises attentiveness towards making adjustments as needed.

The most useful goal that I set for myself is "developing technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and becoming active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress" (ISTE, 2008). This standards allows diverse students to become invovled in their own learning process.

I would like to set a new goal to "promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility" (ISTE, 2008). My students utilize the Internet frequently to search and locate information pertinent to their various project requirements. Citing sources is an essential part of their requirements and I consistently stress the importance of citing sources and avoiding plagiarism but I do not model digital responsibility. When I demonstrate a project example to the students, I fail to annotate my resources. I have been setting the wrong example to my students because the need to observe the proper method of citing resources applies to both student and teacher alike.

I would like to introduce the inquiry/discovery method into various computer projects that I currently utilize. The normal procedure in the classroom involves the students being provided a computer assignment along with the questions regarding the subject that they must discover. With the inquiry/discovery method, the students are provided the topic subject and they are responsible in developing their own questions, which promotes creativity development in the student.

ISTE (2008). The National Educational Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers.


  1. Kelley - I really liked your last paragraph and I agree with the concept of promoting creativity in the student. I wish I had the same ability as you to work towards the goal in that. My topics are diiferent, so I will have to approach the creativity part differently.

  2. It is important that we cite our sources. When I demonstrate or show a picture to my students I do not always cite the source. Thanks for reminding me about the importance of citing all sources in the classroom. If we want our students to learn the proper skills it is important for educators to set the example when it comes to citing information. yolette

  3. I, too, feel like I am constantly reminding the students to cite their sources but fail to consistently do so myself. This is also a goal that I need to focus on. I also believe that if I model good digital responsibility the students and other teachers will also be more inclined to do so.
